Saturday, December 29, 2007

Heal the world

I relate to this song so much! Each and every thing that's said n sung

Stop existing, start living :)

Tap Project

Dear Friend of UNICEF,

A single glass of water can make a difference around the world.

Clean and plentiful drinking water is a privilege millions of us take for granted. But more than 1 billion people do not have access to clean water, and the effects on children are devastating. More than 1.5 million children die each year as a result of not having clean water or adequate sanitation facilities. UNICEF has saved more young lives than any other humanitarian organization in the world and understands the critical role clean water plays in a child’s survival.

As a way to raise awareness of this crucial issue, the U.S. Fund for UNICEF is proud to announce the national launch of the Tap Project, a campaign that celebrates the clean and accessible drinking water available in the United States while helping UNICEF provide safe water for children around the world.

During the week of March 16 culminating on Word Water Day, March 22, 2008, restaurants across the country will ask their customers to donate $1 for the tap water they usually enjoy for free. Your participation in the Tap Project will help educate others and work to improve water and sanitation conditions for children and their families around the world. And with your help, communities within the U.S. will become more aware of the water crisis around the world and understand how they can help.

Tap Project Volunteers have two major roles:

  • Recruit restaurants to participate in the Tap Project
  • Promote the Tap Project in local communities

These roles are crucial to the project's success and will help UNICEF save many children's lives. Visit to become familiar with the program and register as a volunteer. You will then be sent a Tap Project Volunteer Activation Kit, which will include all the tools you will need to conduct a successful campaign, including a handbook, and other resources to help you stay organized and establish your legitimacy as a Tap Project Volunteer.

For just $1 UNICEF can provide a child with clean drinking water for 40 days. Donations generated through the Tap Project will fund UNICEF’s water and sanitation programs that give children access to clean water and adequate sanitation facilities.

Change is possible. And you can make it happen. Register as a Tap Project Volunteer today! Visit

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Lovely adorable puppies

hey you guys- firstly, lovely adorable puppies up for adoption :D please take a look on adopt a pet...they are toooo cute...please get in touch with rishi dev 9868881566

secondly Ridhi Bansal from Delhi has a male lab who needs a mate AND she knows of a DALMATION/LAB CROSSBREED PUP up for adoption...

on a more serious note, there is a wonderful wonderful pomeranian doggy who was really injured, hes almost a 100 % now, and is a year old. he really needs a loving home...please get in touch with rishi dev 9868881566

A bit of important info for everyone-
"i wanted to inform all the members that as soon as they adopt any puppy, please please please get it vaxinated for rabies, corona virus, parvo and canine destemper these are deadly deseases and can cause harm to the owner as well as the other pets in the house, also get your new pup dewormed and follow a deworming session every month because even worms can do alot of harm, so please take this message seriously if you want to avoid suffering the pain of loosing a pet, it is only being fair to your furry little friend and also yourself. thank you."

there has been a lot of positive response regarding the yard sale- so thats definitely on for early jan, please start rummaging around in your attics/basements/garages etc for things you wouldnt mind not having anymore :D

I think thats it- if ive forgotten anything, it'll come to me by check out the doggy pics...

Taare Zameen Par!

Take d quiz - It will tell you how much u know(ah! well if u care) bout The Convention on the Rights of the Child

Girl Child
Borrowed Pic:
Taare Zameen par :) borrowed pic- i love all of dem... but d cute lil angel in white caught mah eye :)

I love you mom n dad... truly.... :) more than ever b4!

Monday, December 24, 2007

4 puppies looking for home - 2 males, 2 females - delhi

Lite brown female
the whole lot...

4 puppies looking for a home! If you have some space in your heart and home, please take one (or more). Genuine Indian street dogs, but very well kept by a lot of people. Still, they need a home - everybody knows what fate they are facing if they roam around free. Unfortunately I know that dogs are being poisoned in our society once they get older, so I would like to spare them that fate.
Please contact me if you are interested. I am in Gurgaon, but I would take the chosen pup to Delhi.
My mobile no: 9910589150