Monday, June 1, 2009

male dachshund andhis beautiful companion need a home in Delhi

A 7-year-old show quality male dachshund and his companion, a 4-year-old female mixed breed, need to be re-homed ASAP, preferably together as their owner, a single woman, has terminal cancer and is admitted in a hospice in Delhi awaiting the end. Meanwhile the dogs are being looked after her maid and some kind frtiends and neighbours. But this is only temporary and the dogs must be found a home immediately. We're trying not to separate them, they're taumatized enough already. The person handling the adoption is Mr D'Souza, 981166153. I'd be grateful if you would forward this to as many people as you can.


sitasundar said...

I am looking for a black male daschund dog/puppy.Pls call me on my cell:0-9818054935.



sitasundar said...

I am Sita from New Delhi.Your number is having only 9 digits therefore not getting this number.Please call me on 9818054935 as soon as possible regarding this male daschund.

